The Australian Wildlife Society’s Wildlife Fiction Short Story Competition is a national competition that seeks original short stories that entertain, convey a message, capture a moment, or evoke a certain mood about Australian wildlife (flora or fauna) while shedding light on the challenges they face in a modern world. Winners receive a cash prize, a certificate, and their short story published in the Australian Wildlife magazine. Use your creative talents to raise awareness and let your words make an impact!
This was the competition's inaugural year, and we were highly impressed with the interest in and the quality of entries. Many stories were incredibly emotive and powerful.
The judges found narrowing the entries to just one winner in each category challenging. Consequently, it was decided to acknowledge an additional three runners-up in each category, present them with a certificate and publish their story in a future edition of 'Australian Wildlife'.
It was also decided to commend the following top four short stories and feature their stories on the Society's website.