2016 Wildlife Animal of the Year - Eastern Quoll

A word about the eastern quoll from the Australian Wildlife Society
Eastern quolls need your help!
The eastern quoll, also known as the eastern native cat, is a medium-sized carnivorous dasyurid marsupial native to Australia. It is currently found only in Tasmania, where populations have recently declined.
The Australian Wildlife Society has decided that the eastern quoll will take centre stage in 2016 as our wildlife animal of the year.
Our focus will be on raising awareness of the plight of the eastern quoll.
Since European settlement, all Australian quoll species have declined due to a combination of factors including persecution, poisoning, disease, habitat loss, cane toads, predation by introduced foxes, dogs and cats, pastoralism, changed fire regimes and collisions with motor vehicles.
Historically, the eastern quoll was widespread across south-eastern Australia, from south-east Queensland, through New South Wales and Victoria across to the Adelaide Hills in the west. The species experienced a dramatic decline around the early 1900s and is now considered extinct on the Australian mainland. Eastern quolls continued to thrive in Tasmania, however this residual population has recently undergone rapid decline, with no sign of recovery. The eastern quoll is now listed as an endangered species.
For more information, click here »
For more information on the breeding & species recovery program, click here »
Do you love eastern quolls?
With your support we can save Australia's precious eastern quolls
Join the Australian Wildlife Society's eastern quolls donation program for as little as $10 or more each month and together we can make Australia a safe place where native wildlife conservation matters.
Donations of $2 or more are fully tax deductible and all quoted amounts are in Australian currency.
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