Australian Wildlife Conservation Efforts
Top Ten Threatened Species
Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle
The Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle (Aquila audax fleayi) is an Endangered bird of Tasmania.
Northern hairy-nosed wombat
The northern hairy-nosed wombat (Lasiorhinus krefftii) is one of the rarest land mammals in the world and is Critically Endangered.
Armoured mist frog
The armoured mist frog (Litoria lorica) is Critically Endangered. Populations were decimated by chytrid fungus disease.
Orange-bellied parrot
The orange-bellied parrot (Neophema chrysogaster) is a small parrot endemic to southern Australia.
Largetooth sawfish
The largetooth sawfish (Pristis microdon) is found worldwide in tropical and subtropical coastal regions but also enters freshwater. It has declined drastically and is Critically Endangered.
Margaret River burrowing crayfish
The Margaret River burrowing crayfish (Engaewa pseudoreducta) is Critically Endangered.
Lord Howe Island phasmid
The Lord Howe Island phasmid (Dryococelus australis) is Critically E ndangered giant flightless stick insect.
Noisy scrubbird
The noisy scrubbird (Atrichornis clamosus) is endemic to the coastal heaths of south-western Australia.
Gilbert's potoroo
Gilbert's potoroo (Potorous gilbertii) is one of the world's rarest Critically Endangered mammals.
Red-finned blue-eye
The red-finned blue-eye (Scaturiginichthys vermeilipinnis) is a tiny, Critically Endangered species of fish
Thank you to the Wildlife Conservation Committee members for sourcing information on Australia's threatened species and habitats: Abu Muhammad, Amelia Wust, Annie Nguyen, Aprille Jack, Carolyn Wheeler, Gemma Gillette, Harriet Simpson-Southward, Holly Trim, Jeremy Day, Kristen Mappin, Michael Taylor, Michele Tree, Moses Omogbeme, Samantha Bywaters, Tanika Shalders, and Tegan Lee.